Faster Running

Coaching Resources

We provide coaching to a select group of competitive athletes as well as provide assistance to other coaches.  Most of this support is done remotely via email and phone, with in person coaching available in the Eugene, Oregon and Indianpolis, Indiana areas.  There are no stock programs, so contact us so we can discuss your specific needs.

Personal Coaching

We specialize in coaching runners who desire to be highly competitive open or age group middle and long distance runners.  Even distances generally range from 1500m to the marathon, and also include the steeplechase.


There are no specific time standards to qualify for our coaching.  Instead we look at each individuals history, potential, and most importantly attitude.


Additionally, we do not provide stock programs or group training.  We coach a very small group of runners on a highly individualized basis.


Contact us so we can discuss your specific situation.


contact us



Coaching for Coaches

We also often provide assistance to other coaches, just like we seek out knowledge from the coaching community.  Working together helps us all and the sport as a whole.


If you are a beginning coach and are wondering where to start, drop us a line.  Likewise if you are an experienced coach and just want to bounce some ideas back and forth, we would love to talk to you.

contact us

Looking for a different type of coaching?

Our coaching is not a fit for everyone.  Maybe you are at a different level, need a different style or personality in a coach, or maybe you just want a stock training schedule you can follow.


Fortunately the Internet now makes it easier than ever to find coaching and training resources.  Many parts of the country have running clubs, and those are a great place to start.  If you are lucky enough to have a running specialty store in your area, those can also be an excellent resource for coaching, group runs, and training partners.


Still having trouble finding something?  Email us and we will try to help.

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